About Me

Hi! I’m Cindy Wallace, a mom of two, and the creator behind Veganized Ways. Welcome to our little corner of the internet where we celebrate all things vegan!

Just like many of you, my journey towards veganism started with a simple question: “Is there a better way?” At first, this decision was driven by health reasons. I wanted to feel healthier, have more energy, and set an example for my children. However, upon digging deeper into veganism as an ideology and lifestyle choice I realized there’s much more that goes beyond eating plants. Being vegan means acting compassionately towards our environment while making decisions aligned with one’s values and ethics.

My family and I have been practicing veganism for five years, and it has been truly incredible! Witnessing how delicious yet nutritious our meals have become is truly rewarding and that is why I decided to create Veganized Ways. I want other people like you to benefit from my experiences, recipes, and tips as they transition or explore vegan living.

So grab yourself a cup of almond milk (it’s my personal favorite) and sit back for some Veganized Ways exploration! Don’t feel overwhelmed. This journey should be both exciting and effortless.

With love and kindness,

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